If you suffer from unwanted lesions on your skin, then a hyfrecator treatment may be what you have been searching for. This treatment uses electrosurgery to rid the body of skin tags, cherry angiomas, and moles, so you can be comfortable in your own skin once again.
During your initial consultation, your health history will be discussed, and we will confirm that your skin lesion is appropriate for removal with the hyfrecator. Depending on the particular patient, an alternative method, such as a laser treatment, may be suggested if we feel that the hyfrecator treatment may not be the treatment best suited for your skin. Our staff will also discuss what you can expect during the treatment as well as any pre-and-post-operative care that may be necessary to make your treatment more effective and improve your healing time.
Most people who have lesions and blemishes on their skin are candidates for a hyfrecator treatment. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then it is advised that you wait to receive this treatment. Additionally, if you have a pacemaker, you should not undergo a hyfrecator treatment due to the electrical currents.
Patients with the following skin concerns are the best candidates for a hyfrecator treatment:
Once you are prepped and ready for treatment, the hyfrecator probe will create a small injury with electrical pulses that ends up burning the targeted lesions. The hyfrecator emits two currents, one that is low in power and one that has a high frequency to more easily remove blemishes while sealing off bleeding. This treatment is quick, effective, and minimally invasive.
Schedule your consultation today to find out if you are a candidate for a hyfrecator treatment. You may contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000.
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