Blogs About Best Ways To Celebrate JUVÉDERM® Day - Institute Of Anti-Aging Medicine & Skin Spa

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Nowadays, we have a national day for everything. We have national cat day, we have national Star Wars Day, and there is also a national ice cream day. This August, on the 16th, we will celebrate the first-ever JUVÉDERM® Day, a holiday that will take place every year on this date. On this day, providers and patients alike will recognize and celebrate the use of this product and its stunning effects!

That being said, what is JUVÉDERM®, and what are the best ways to celebrate this joyous day? Are there any injection areas that are particularly popular during this day? Read this blog and find out as much as possible about JUVÉDERM®, so that you are completely ready on JUVÉDERM® Day.

What Are JUVÉDERM® Injections?

JUVÉDERM® is a dermal filler that uses hyaluronic acid as a base ingredient. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that naturally occurs in your body, keeping your skin plump and moisturized as more collagen is produced. However, as you age, your body begins to lose its ability to produce collagen, leading to wrinkles and volume loss. 

JUVÉDERM® fillers are made to restore or increase the production of hyaluronic acid in your skin, bringing back your youthful look. The effect of volume is immediate, and as time passes, more collagen is produced.

Why Get JUVÉDERM® Treatments?

There are several reasons why you should consider JUVÉDERM® treatments on its official national day, and these include the following:

Best Areas for JUVÉDERM® Injections

If you are planning to get a JUVÉDERM® treatment on JUVÉDERM® Day, then it’s important to know the best areas for these injections: 

Celebrate JUVÉDERM® Day in Style!

JUVÉDERM® Day is one of the best days to treat yourself to this dermal filler and gain a younger-looking facial appearance. It’s quick, versatile and almost painless, which is why it is a go-to for many cosmetic procedures. Call the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa and get yourself on board for JUVÉDERM® injections.

For more information about JUVÉDERM®, you can contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa at 713-807-1000. We would be happy to guide you into getting the best treatment for JUVÉDERM® Day. Our online contact form is also available for questions or if you want to book an appointment with us.

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