As we age, our skin begins to change, and more marks (like moles, skin tags, and cherry angiomas) begin to appear. A hyfrecator is a type of medical equipment used during electrosurgery to eliminate those unwanted lesions on the skin that can sometimes cause embarrassment or self-consciousness.
We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.
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The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.
Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”
We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look and feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans so that you can achieve your aesthetic goals.
Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer, and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.
Almost every individual with a qualifying skin condition is a good candidate for a hyfrecator treatment; however, patients with pacemakers and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not undergo this treatment. Patients with the following skin concerns are the best candidates for hyfrecator treatment:
The hyfrecator sends electrical impulses into the body with the use of a probe. This provokes a micro-injury, which will then burn off individual skin lesions. The hyfrecator emits an alternating current that is low in power but has a high frequency to more easily remove blemishes while sealing off bleeding.
Patients will experience little-to-no downtime after their hyfrecator treatment. The treatment sites will become crusty and fall off over the next few days, though it is strongly advised that you do not pick at the treated area as it heals. Applying vaseline to the site will aid in the healing process.
Results are typically visible in about two weeks; however, depending on the severity of the condition, some patients may require multiple treatment sessions to achieve their desired results.
Get the latest information from Dr. LeConey and the staff at the Institute of Anti-Aging and Skin Spa.
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