Blogs About Rejuvenate Your Skin With ActiveFX™ & DeepFX™ Laser Treatments - Institute Of Anti-Aging Medicine & Skin Spa

Learn about the latest and greatest laser treatments at Institute of Anti-Aging.

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Are you experiencing skin damage on your face, chest, or neck? Do those wrinkles, lines, and sunspots make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious? Then laser treatments may be the solution for you. At the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, we offer ActiveFX™ and DeepFX™ laser treatments to rejuvenate your skin and leave you feeling confident, refreshed, and ready to take on the world.

What Is ActiveFX™?

Acne scars are smoothed, sun damage is removed, pores are reduced, and skin is tightened, which improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What Is DeepFX™?

The DeepFX™ laser is similar to the ActiveFX™ laser, but it targets deeper scars, lines, and wrinkles. This process regenerates the underlying tissues to produce new, fresh, and vibrant skin.

When Will I See Results?

Results typically appear within one week after undergoing your laser resurfacing treatment. Some results may be more apparent than others, since some patients have experienced more intense scarring or wrinkles. This may require multiple treatment sessions to fully correct. Over time, your results will start to become more apparent as collagen and elastin are regenerated. Your face, chest, and neck will look firmer and more youthful as time progresses.

How Do I Know if This Is Right for Me?

It is important to schedule a consultation with the professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to find out if you are a candidate for this skin rejuvenation treatment. In order to maximize your positive outcome, it is important to discuss any allergies or skin conditions with your physician before undergoing these treatments.

To learn more about ActiveFX™ and DeepFX™ laser treatments, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa online or call us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.

Financing Options (CareCredit® and PatientFi)

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