Many people suffer from hair in unwanted areas of the body, but sometimes they are a little hesitant to remove it because they are afraid that it will cause pain. Waxing can hurt, plucking hairs can hurt, but what about laser hair removal? With our Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ technique, you can be ready to show off your silky smooth skin without hesitation!
The Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment uses laser energy to heat the hair follicles until they can no longer produce hair. The entire area is targeted, so you won’t have any stragglers that may have been missed in the process. This Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ technology also uses a patented DualChill™ treatment tip to keep the surface of your skin cool and comfortable during the treatment, which allows for an even more pain-free experience.
Although it depends on the individual patient, most patients require about six to nine treatment sessions to ensure that all the hair is removed. These sessions are spaced four to six weeks apart, and yearly maintenance is also recommended to achieve and maintain optimal results.
The areas that can be treated painlessly include the legs, arms, bikini, back, chest, stomach, face, or neck. It is important to know that patients should have colored hair, as this laser treatment does not perform on gray or white hair. It is, however, safe for all skin types.
Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ is a painless, quick, and effective treatment. There is no downtime required with this laser hair removal treatment, and patients can return to work immediately after their treatment session. It is recommended that patients adhere to all post-treatment instructions in order to not interfere with the laser hair removal treatment process and to ensure that full results are attainable.
For more information about the Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ laser hair removal treatment, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000.
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