ActiveFX / DeepFX Treatments In Houston - Institute Of Anti-Aging Medicine & Skin Spa

Learn about the latest and greatest laser treatments at Institute of Anti-Aging.

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Fractional Laser Treatments

The goal of fractional laser treatments is simple: replace damaged skin with new, fresh skin.  The primary targets of ActiveFX and DeepFX include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles of the face, especially around the upper lip, cheeks and forehead
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Pucker marks and frown lines
  • Brown spots and splotchy, uneven skin tone
  • Scars, especially acne scars
  • Neck and chest (optional)

What are “Fractional” Laser Treatments?

The ActiveFX and DeepFX laser treatment affects a “fraction” of the skin’s surface, leaving small microscopic “bridges” of untouched skin.  This technique makes the healing process much faster and enables the patient to get back to normal activities quicker.

ActiveFX and DeepFX are laser procedures performed in a single treatment with minimal downtime, typically 4-7 days.  During the procedure, thousands of high-energy beams of laser pulses interact  with the skin’s surface, causing the upper layer to peel off and regenerate a layer of new, healthy skin.  The laser also stimulates formation of new underlying collagen, which results in continued improvement in skin texture over time.

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ActiveFX and DeepFX treatments produce a dramatic effect on the skin:

  • Cause immediate collagen contraction
  • Reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and soften deeper frown lines
  • Noticeably improve skin tone and texture
  • Stimulate new collagen formation and plumps the skin

The results of the treatments are dramatic and, with proper sun protection, can last for many years.  Some effects of the treatment become visible right away, whereas others- such as new collagen formation-build up gradually and result in continued smoothing over time. Therefore, most people continue to show improvement up to six months after the procedure.

Procedure Notes:

  • Twilight sedation is provided. Patient’s will require transportation home from the office.
  • Pain is minimum. After the anesthetics wear off, the patient may feel like the face is sunburned.  This typically subsides by the next day.
  • Expect swelling and discoloration of the skin. Swelling typically subsides in one week. The discoloration is caused from the lasered treatment of the skin and  peels in 4-5 days.  The skin will continue to be pink for an additional week after peeling.
  • Consultation is required prior to scheduling.

Financing Options (CareCredit® and PatientFi)

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