Blogs About The Things You Didn’t Know About KYBELLA® - Institute Of Anti-Aging Medicine & Skin Spa

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KYBELLA® is an injectable treatment designed to remove fat under the chin. KYBELLA® is a formulation of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance found in the body and helps to break down unwanted fat in the targeted areas. So, if you have been taking selfies or doing more video calls and notice a double chin, or submental fullness, that you want to eliminate, then KYBELLA® can help. But here are a few things that you may not know about KYBELLA®.

It Really Works!

You’ve probably heard a lot of reviews about KYBELLA®, just like any other type of service or product—the good, the bad, and the ugly! Well, KYBELLA® actually works and provides patients with noticeable results. This safe and effective injectable treatment is quick and only lasts about 20 minutes. Patients will see visible results in about four to six weeks after the treatment session. Continuing a healthy lifestyle allows you to enjoy your newly contoured chin and facial aesthetic for a long time.

The Side Effects

While this treatment is FDA approved and completely safe, it does come with side effects just like any typical non-invasive or surgical procedure would. Some patients react differently than others, so being in constant communication with your provider is essential in the recovery process. Some patients may experience temporary swelling, numbness, bruising, or redness. These effects will subside shortly after.

Take the Time to Recover

Recover, recover, recover. Sometimes we just need to take the time to sit down and relax. So do it! After 24 hours, you will begin to feel more of the side effects of KYBELLA®. Icing the treatment area and pain medications can help to alleviate most of the discomfort. Patients are able to return to normal activities immediately after treatment, but listen to your body to see if that’s something you can do. Take the extra downtime if you need it!

For more information about KYBELLA® or other injectable treatments, please contact us online or call us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.

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