Skin Tightening With Forma™

As we age, our skin begins to droop and sag over time, which can make us look older than we truly are. A skin tightening treatment called Forma™ uses radio-frequency technology to provide optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of the skin. It targets fat cells and is delivered by a precise applicator head designed to match the contours of your face or neck for optimal results.


  • Multiple treatment areas
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Non-invasive treatment
  • No downtime

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look and feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans so that you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer, and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for skin tightening treatment with Forma™ are non-smokers in good general health who wish to achieve firmer skin for a more youthful appearance. Candidates should also have realistic expectations of their results. Forma™ can be performed on men and women with all skin types. A personal consultation will determine how many treatments may be necessary for ideal candidates to achieve your goal.

How It Works

Forma™ is the only auto-adjusting, non-invasive, thermal radio frequency skin treatment. The device uses radio frequency technology to target the deep layers of your skin. The subdermal heating stimulates collagen and improves the skin’s elasticity, resulting in tightened skin and decreased wrinkles. This effective, no-downtime treatment will leave you with tighter skin that will make you look years younger!

Recovery and Results

There is no downtime associated with the Forma™ skin tightening treatment. Some patients may experience slight redness in the treatment area immediately after their procedure, but that should dissipate within a few hours.

To fully notice and experience results, it is recommended that patients undergo a series of treatments. After about eight sessions is when the skin tightening results become most noticeable. Results can last up to a few years with multiple treatments and yearly maintenance.


Forma™ can be used on both the face and body where areas need contraction. Commonly treated areas include the face, neck, chest, arms, and knees.

Forma™/Forma™ Plus treatments are weekly sessions over the course of 6-8 weeks with maintenance sessions recommended quarterly or biannually.

The Forma™/Forma™ Plus is an essentially painless procedure with no downtime. Slight redness in the treatment area is common post-procedure, which subsides within a few hours.

Yes, the Forma™/Forma™Plus can be used in combination with most other laser treatments, facials, and injectables like BOTOX® Cosmetic and JUVÉDERM®.

Patients using Retin-A/Tretinoin, Retinols, glycolic acid, and/or AHA’s/BHA’s should discontinue use 48 hours prior to treatment if they are treating the face, neck and/or chest.

Patients treating the face and/or neck can resume use of their normal skin care regimen 24 hours after treatment.


Velashape uses a combination of infrared light and radio frequency to safely guide heat through the treatment area. These two technologies combined, heat the fat cells and surrounding tissue to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Popular treatment areas include:

  • Abdomen
  • Knees
  • Thighs
  • Arms

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Is it safe?

Velashape is safe for all skin types and colors. There are no reported short term or long term side effects.

What can you expect?

Most patients describe Velashape as feeling like a warm deep tissue massage. You may experience a warm sensation up to a few hours after treatment. The treated area may appear pink for a few hours after treatment.

When it comes to body contouring, choosing the right treatment can be tricky. That’s why we offer a complimentary consultation to each of our patients. A highly trained provider will meet with you and discuss the problem areas. They will then choose a body contouring technique that suits your specific needs. Sometime a combination of treatments is suggested.


VelaShape® uses vacuum technology to manipulate your skin while infrared light (IR) and bi-polar radio frequency (RF) energies gently heat fat cells and surrounding tissue. Over the course of your treatments, you will notice a reduction in both the circumference and appearance of cellulite in the treated areas.

Most patients describe VelaShape® treatments as comfortable and similar to the sensation of a warm deep tissue massage. Treatment sensation varies from patient to patient. VelaShape® treatments are designed to accommodate your individual level of sensitivity and comfort. Your skin may appear pink for a few hours post treatment. VelaShape® treatments are safe and effective for all skin types.

The VelaShape® treatment is safe and effective for all skin types and colors. However, the treatment area must be free of tattoos and piercings must be removed. There are no reported short-term or long-term negative side effects.

A series of 3-6 treatments are typically required to achieve optimal results. Treatment sessions are scheduled every other week until desired results are achieved. Maintenance sessions are recommended to maintain the results with a treatment session every 6-8 weeks or as needed.

Gradual improvement of the treated area can be seen after the first treatment - the surface of the skin in the treated area feels smoother and firmer. Over time you will notice a smaller circumference throughout the treated area as well as a reduction in the appearance of cellulite; the best results will be seen after 10 weeks.

Like all techniques, invasive or non-invasive, results will last longer if you follow a balanced diet and exercise regimen. Following your complete treatment regimen, it is recommended that you receive maintenance treatments periodically.

The latest VelaShape® device uses higher energies very safely. As a result, treatments are shorter and you can see results faster.

CoolTone™ by CoolSculpting®

You work out regularly and have a healthy diet, but you can’t seem to get the muscle tone you desire. Many people are familiar with this issue. CoolTone™ can help you tone and strengthen muscles in the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, which are hard to target with traditional exercises.


  • Non-surgical
  • No downtime
  • More effective than exercise alone

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and has a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look or feel your age. A highly trained provider will meet with you and discuss the problem areas and develop a tailored treatment plan that suits your specific needs.

Ideal Candidates

Candidates for CoolTone™ treatments maintain a healthy lifestyle but have trouble achieving ideal muscle tone in the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Patients should be in good general health and at or close to their ideal weight.

How It Works

CoolTone™ uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation technology to induce involuntary muscle contractions that are stronger and utilize more muscle fibers than the contractions you can achieve with traditional exercises.

The CoolTone™ applicator will be placed on the target site. Once the machine is turned on, you will feel the muscles in the treatment area contract and release for 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area. The process is comfortable and does not require anesthesia or special preparation.

Recovery and Results

There is no downtime from a CoolTone™ session. However, Your muscles may feel slightly sore for a few days afterward, similar to the feeling you get after an intense workout. The treated muscles will begin to feel stronger and firmer and will look more toned after a series of treatments.

Because it takes time for muscle fibers to build, you may begin to see initial results in about two weeks. The effects of your treatment will then continue to improve. Most patients require a series of four to six treatments to achieve optimal results. Semi-regular treatments are suggested to maintain results. CoolTone™ can also be combined with CoolSculpting® for comprehensive body contouring.


They are similar but not the same, CoolTone™ uses MMS (magnetic muscle stimulation) and EMSCULPT® uses HIFEM (high
intensity focused electromagnetic energy). CoolTone™ (MMS) is 50% more powerful and will help increase the overall
definition and may cut down on overall treatments needed for desired results.

Abdomen, Buttocks, and Thighs (front only).

You will start seeing results in as little as 2 weeks with full results 6-8 weeks after the initial series. Maintenance is
needed/recommended once every 6-8 weeks but no longer than 12 weeks after the initial series to maintain results.

Treatment for the Abdomen and Buttocks is 30 min. Thighs are 20 min.

Most patients do not feel sore afterwards in the treatment area. A few patients might feel very mild soreness for a day or so

The initial series is usually 4 treatments in a 2 week timeframe. Some patients may require more treatments for desired

Pricing starts at $1900 for 4 treatments for the first area

Patients who are at their ideal weight and in good physical condition who would like to improve muscle definition and strength
in the treatment area

Patients with excess fat or certain health conditions and medical implant devices may not be good candidates. Patients with
electronic implants, cardiac pacemakers, implanted defibrillators and neurostimulators, drug pumps, malignant tumors,
hemorrhagic conditions and epilepsy, pregnancy, nursing and recent surgical procedures.

CoolSculpting® Elite in Houston


If you maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, you know how frustrating it can be to get rid of pockets of residual fat. Age, genetics, and other factors can leave you with bulges that resist diet and exercise, but CoolSculpting® Elite can reduce fat without surgery or downtime.


  • Non-surgical
  • No downtime
  • Frozen fat cells are gone for good

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas. Dr. Richard LeCOney and his wife Dana have developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look or feel your age. A highly trained provider will meet with you and discuss the problem areas and develop a tailored treatment plan that suits your specific needs.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting® Elite treatments are in good general health and at or near their ideal weight. CoolSculpting® Elite is not a weight loss solution; it is designed to help reduce residual fat that is resistant to diet and exercise.

CoolSculpting® Elite uses a process called cryolipolysis to help reduce stubborn fat bulges by up to 25 percent. A protective gel pad will be applied to the treatment site to protect your skin. CoolSculpting® Elite is FDA cleared to reduce fat in nine different areas of the body, including the following:

  • Under the chin and jawline
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Bra fat
  • Back fat
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Flanks
  • Banana roll (underneath the buttocks)

The CoolSculpting® Elite machine uses suction to draw the targeted bulge up between the applicator paddles. The device then uses controlled cooling technology to freeze fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissues. The cold temperatures cause the fat cells to crystallize, rupturing the cell wall. Your body then processes and eliminates the dead fat cells as waste.

Recovery and Results

You may experience some slight swelling or soreness in the treated area, but these side effects should resolve within a week or two. Patients can return to their regular activities immediately after their treatment.

Some patients may see initial results a few days after their treatment, but the final outcome is typically noticed after four to six weeks as frozen fat cells are eliminated from the body. Patients require a series of treatments to achieve their desired aesthetic.

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CoolSculpting® Elite uses cryolipolysis to permanently kill fat cells. (Fat freezes at a higher temperature so it doesn’t harm the
surrounding tissue)

Localized permanent fat reduction. Most common areas: abdomen, love handles, chin, inner thighs and arms. Only treats
subcutaneous fat.

Fat cells are permanently killed. Diet and exercise are highly recommended to help maintain results. Remaining fat cells can
still expand in the treated area.

The treated area can be tender after treatment and can be numb for 2 weeks. But no “real” downtime.

Pricing varies depending on the treatment area. Pricing starts at $750 with most treatments around $3000.

Most patients need 2 treatments scheduled 8-12 weeks apart. It is not uncommon for a 3 rd treatment. Full results are at 12
weeks after treatment.

First few minutes can be uncomfortable but generally patients are able to tolerate the entire treatment with no problems.

Patients who are at their ideal weight with stubborn areas of fat. Consultation is needed

Each applicator takes 35-45 min. to complete. Depending on how many applicators are needed determines the length of
treatment time.