

Age and spending hours under the sunlight can make your skin appear dull and lifeless. Not only can it look patchy, but it can also be ridden with wrinkles and sun spots that make you feel self-conscious. Today’s beauty procedures make it easy for you to obtain a youthful aesthetic, and one of them is the Halo™ laser. If you are looking to correct damaged skin, then we welcome you to the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to experience the advanced Halo™ service.

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The best candidates for Halo™ laser are generally women and men who are looking to obtain skin clarity. If you have imperfections like brown spots, enlarged pores, wrinkles, or unappealing skin texture, this treatment may be a suitable option for your needs.

The procedure is not usually recommended for individuals with darker skin, as it can lead to hyperpigmentation when set on higher levels. Those who have light skin are often the best candidates, as they are less likely to develop side effects. If you are prone to melasma, we also advise exceptional care, as the laser has the potential to make things worse for that particular skin condition.

Halo™ is often recommended for patients who want to obtain a rejuvenated look. The procedure only takes about 30 to 45 minutes to perform, depending on the size of the treatment area, and downtime is typically about four to five days.

How Halo™ Works

Halo™ works by releasing two separate wavelengths, one non-ablative and the other ablative, to address a variety of skin concerns. The treatment may be set on different levels, making it customizable for whatever your skin might need. As the laser penetrates your skin, it triggers the body’s natural healing process, reducing years’ worth of sun damage.

The laser can start the cell renewal process, delivering controlled damage to the upper skin level and destroying the unhealthy cells. The body will then work to eliminate these cells naturally, pushing the healthy cells from underneath to the surface. This helps reduce sun spots, age spots, pigmented lesions, and even hyperpigmentation.

As your body’s healing response is triggered, a new production of collagen and elastin begins to form. Not only can this reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but it can also improve the elasticity of your skin. The same process can further reduce the appearance of acne scars while diminishing the size of your pores and reducing the frequency of acne breakouts.


Many individuals associate the recovery with the feeling of a mild sunburn, and your skin will likely feel warm for about an hour after leaving the office.

Similar to any laser procedure, you will likely notice some swelling, bruising, redness, pain, or itching within the following days after the treatment. You can use cooling packs to keep the discomfort under control. As the skin renewal process progresses, you might notice that your skin is beginning to peel. As tempting as it may be, please refrain from picking at the peeling skin, as this can lead to potential scarring.

It is recommended that you do not wear any makeup while the skin is in the recovery period; however, a recommended medical-grade tinted sunscreen can be purchased to provide light coverage and sun protection during this time.


Most results become visible from the moment the swelling goes down, which is about six to seven days after the Halo™ treatment. You’ll start noticing the luminosity and glow that people are talking about, and your pigmentation spots should be less visible and continue to improve with each session.

However, full results appear around two to three months after the procedure. This is how long it will take for your skin to produce new collagen. Most patients notice that their wrinkles are gone and that their pores look smaller in comparison to how they were before the Halo™ treatment. Acne scars are also less obvious, with the skin looking smoother, without as much texture.

Bear in mind that while this procedure can turn the clock back on your skin, it will not stop the natural aging process. This is why, to continue enjoying these results in the long term, you should schedule a Halo™ maintenance appointment at least once a year.



Many people dream of having youthful-looking skin. Luckily, since technology is constantly evolving, it is no longer difficult to look young, even as you pass a certain age. For example, BBL® HERO™ (also known as IPL/Photofacial) is only one of the advanced treatments that can beautifully rejuvenate your face. Patients looking for a non-invasive facial rejuvenation procedure can choose a BBL® HERO™ treatment at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa.

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BBL® HERO™ has numerous aesthetic advantages, which means that anyone looking for facial rejuvenation can enjoy its benefits. You could be considered a candidate if you have acne scars, excess pigmentation spots, or want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The BBL® HERO™ treatment can also minimize the size of your pores, making you less prone to acne breakouts.

BBL® HERO™ is also a good option for patients who have spider veins and redness, as the laser closes off the veins. If you have rosacea, BBL® HERO™ eliminates the broken blood vessels, offering you an even and smoother complexion. Those individuals who have freckles and want to have them removed can also benefit from this treatment.

Women and men with visible aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin can take advantage of the thermal effect of the BBL® HERO™ laser. The heat delivered by the laser helps tighten the skin, reducing minor imperfections and offering a more rejuvenated look. This treatment is the best choice for patients with lighter skin tones but can also be effective on some patients with darker skin complexion. We recommend a consultation first, to determine whether you are a good candidate for BBL® HERO™ or not.

How BBL® HERO™ Works

BBL® HERO™ works by delivering intense light pulses to the surface of your skin, creating small and controlled injuries to your epidermis. These pulses will go deep inside your skin, heating the surrounding tissue and triggering your body’s natural healing response. Once this happens, the damaged cells will be gradually removed by your body’s lymphatic system.

When the healing process starts, your body will not only eliminate what’s been damaged by the laser, but it will also trigger the production of more cells. As the dead cells are taken out, the skin will begin producing new, healthy cells to replace them. These healthy cells will gradually work their way toward the surface, where they will form the new epidermis.

The action of the laser also creates micro-wounds in your body, starting a new production of collagen and elastin. This helps replenish your age-related collagen loss, reducing the look of wrinkles and tightening the skin.


BBL® HERO™ is a non-invasive treatment, which means that the potential for downtime is minimal. Patients should expect to see some redness and swelling in the treated area, which is a normal response to your healing system doing its job. Most women and men undergoing this treatment often compare it with a mild sunburn, with the effects going away within a few days at most.

During the recovery period, your skin is particularly sensitive to UV rays, so it’s recommended to stay out of direct sunlight. If you cannot avoid going outside, ensure that you are wearing sunblock to protect your skin. Ice packs can offer comfort if you are bothered by redness and swelling.

Avoid intense exercising for at least three days after the procedure, as this can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. You should also stay away from skincare treatments like shaving and exfoliating because they irritate your skin. Last, but not least, refrain from taking showers that are too hot or too cold, and don’t go to swimming pools for at least a few days since the chemicals within the pool can lead to further irritation.


The first results often appear once your skin has finished its healing process. You may see the first signs of improvement within two to four weeks, once the first stages of skin turnover have been finalized. These results will improve with time, as your body produces more collagen. Patients typically see their final results within three or four months after receiving the treatment.

Depending on the severity of your skin imperfections, you might need more than one BBL® HERO™ procedure. To maintain your radiant skin and obtain optimal results, you should consider receiving one to three BBL® HERO™ treatments every year.



As you get older, the signs of sun damage and other age-related concerns are more difficult to conceal. Wrinkles become more evident and sun spots are more frequent after every summer spent in sunlight. This can cause self-esteem issues to anyone concerned about the status of their skin, causing them to reach out for makeup. One efficient way to prevent that from happening is to use the MOXI™ laser, which offers the skin its much-needed rejuvenation. Professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa provide the MOXI™ treatment to those who want to reduce signs of aging.

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Adults of every age can undergo treatment with MOXI™, regardless of their skin type and color. Since MOXI™ is a less aggressive type of laser, the risk of hyperpigmentation in patients with darker skin is less likely. This laser can improve the quality of the skin from underneath, making it look healthier in younger patients and offering a rejuvenated look in older individuals.

MOXI™ laser is mostly recommended as a prejuvenating option for patients who notice the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. That being said, men and women who have age spots and sagging skin might also benefit significantly from this procedure. MOXI™ is recommended for those with sensitive skin, who are prone to developing significant side effects when using fractionated lasers.

MOXI™ is also a great option for those women and men who do not want to undergo extended downtime after a beauty procedure. Not only is it labeled as a “lunchtime treatment,” but it can also be combined with several other beauty procedures.

How MOXI™ Works

MOXI™ uses a gentle yet effective 1924 nm non-ablative fractionated laser to reduce the signs of aging and sun damage, offering you a more rejuvenated complexion. This helps the skin promote a new growth of cells and reduce any unwanted pigments. Patients can use it for hyperpigmentation, sun spots, age spots, and other similar conditions, resulting in an even skin tone.

Before your MOXI™ treatment, a topical numbing cream may be applied for 30 minutes to ensure comfort. Once the laser comes in contact with your skin, it will deliver controlled damage to the top layer, only targeting the unwanted cells. This triggers the body’s natural healing system, which will work to have those cells removed. New cells will be produced underneath, replacing the ones that have been shed off by the body. The gentle heat will also trigger a new production of collagen, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines while improving skin elasticity.

As the laser is “fractionated,” the heat will be divided into thousands of small areas, targeting only one fraction of skin at a time. This makes it a suitable option for darker skin tones, as the risk of laser burns is significantly reduced.


The MOXI™ procedure is a non-invasive option that requires no surgery or needles, so there is little or no recovery time to go through. The procedure itself is very comfortable, as the only thing patients feel is a slight warmth.

However, after the treatment, you should expect a few side effects. Your skin may have a pinkish hue and feel warm to the touch, a feeling similar to that of a mild sunburn. The skin can also begin feeling rough and flaky after a few days, which is a normal result of the cell turnover process. Most of these symptoms go away within a couple of days.

During this time, use a gentle cleanser and make sure your skin stays moisturized. Avoid picking at the flakes or peeling skin, as this can result in scarring. Simply allow the peeling skin to fall off on its own. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen, as your skin will be quite sensitive at this point.


MOXI™ laser does not show immediate results since patients have to wait for the cell turnover process to take place. You may see the initial results within a week or two when your skin complexion should be slightly clearer. Within a month, you might also notice fewer pigmentation spots as your skin renews itself.

Full results take a little bit of time to show, and you can enjoy them about three months after new collagen has been produced and has matured enough to make your skin look smoother. The texture and tone of your skin can also improve over time.

MOXI™ does not prevent further aging or sun damage. Using sunblock daily and considering maintenance treatments every few months will keep the cell renewal process and collagen production at a constant level to secure your rejuvenated glow.

Botox For Men

Facial lines caused by muscle movements, such as squinting or smiling, are known as dynamic wrinkles. This type of wrinkle can be tough to prevent and treat and may make you look sad or angry even when you are in a good mood. Tiny muscles cause the skin to fold when you make a facial expression, and over time, these folds become deeper and more permanent.

BOTOX® Cosmetic can be used to soften facial lines and creases to provide a more youthful and refreshed aesthetic.


  • Non-surgical
  • Little to no downtime
  • Treatment is quick and easy

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We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look or feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer ,and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for BOTOX® Cosmetic are concerned about fine lines and wrinkles in the upper portion of the face but are not interested in a surgical procedure. Patients should be in good health and willing to continue regular treatments if they wish to maintain their youthful appearance.

How It Works

BOTOX® Cosmetic is made of a diluted form of botulinum toxin A, which blocks nerve signals to the facial muscles. When it is strategically injected, the BOTOX® Cosmetic temporarily immobilizes the muscles, smoothing out wrinkles in the face. BOTOX® Cosmetic can be used in the following areas:

  • Forehead
  • Frown lines
  • Smoker’s lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Neck bands
  • Masseter muscle (for facial slimming)

Ice or numbing cream may be applied to the target sites for your comfort. Injections will then be made to relax the muscles that are causing fine lines and wrinkles. Your treatment can be completed in about 15 minutes.

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Recovery and Results

Immediately after your injections, you may experience some swelling and redness in the treatment site(s). These side effects are usually mild and resolve within a day or two. You may return to most of your regular activities right after your appointment, but we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for about 24 hours.

Most patients begin to see results 24 to 48 hours after their injections. Final results can take 10 to 14 days to develop. You can expect the effects of your BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment to last for approximately three to four months. Maintenance treatments spaced three to four months apart can help preserve your refreshed appearance. Continued use may help extend the lifetime of future treatments.

Men Hydrafacial®

Dirt, oils, makeup, and pollution can cause congested pores, breakouts, and a dull complexion. HydraFacial® is a medical-grade hydrodermabrasion treatment that uses patented Vortex-Fusion® technology to quickly and gently give you a radiant glow.


  • Treatment is quick
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • No downtime

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and has a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey and his wife Dana have developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look or feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

First, your skin will be gently cleansed and exfoliated to remove dead skin cells and any dirt or oils on the surface. Then the handpiece with the HydroPeel® tip is passed over your skin to extract impurities using gentle suction. The device will then deliver hydrating serums for optimal absorption. The treatment is comfortable and can be completed in about 30 minutes.

Growth Factor Boost

  • Serum based skin resurfacing
  • Immediate results
  • Hydrating
  • Exfoliation for all skin types
  • Painless extraction
  • Improves acne-prone or oily skin
  • Recommended monthly

* Add on treatments include:

  • Lip exfoliation
  • Growth factor boost
  • Upgraded glycolic

Recovery and Results

There is no downtime necessary after your HydraFacial®, so you can go right back to your normal activities. You can even get a HydraFacial® on your lunch break and head straight back to work.

Your skin will look healthier and have a fresh, radiant appearance. You will notice an improvement in both the texture and tone of your skin. Some patients may wish to undergo a HydraFacial® before an event, while others may desire a series of treatments for lasting improvement. We can develop a plan tailored to your needs at your consultation.

Facial Fillers for Men

As the natural aging process occurs, men experience facial sagging and volume loss, which can sometimes cause them to feel self-conscious in their own skin. Dermal facial fillers with a natural hyaluronic acid substance hydrate and add volume to the skin to achieve a youthful appearance. At the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, we offer Restylane® and the JUVÉDERM® Collection of fillers for men.


  • Natural results
  • Added volume
  • Younger-looking skin

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look and feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans so that you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer, and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.

Ideal Candidates

Candidates for facial fillers are men who experience sagging skin and volume loss in the face. These facial fillers can correct more pronounced lines and wrinkles in the nasolabial folds, cheeks, lips, under eyes, and more. Scheduling a consultation with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa will help you determine whether you are a true candidate for facial fillers.

How It Works

The facial fillers offered at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa consist of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a natural substance in the skin that delivers nutrients, helps the skin retain moisture and softness, and adds volume to the areas being treated. Facial fillers are made from a modified form of HA and are injected into the predetermined areas of the face.

Treatment typically takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The facial fillers for men offered at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa are:

  • Restylane®: Restylane® is a hyaluronic acid gel that is long lasting and is designed for more pronounced facial folds and wrinkles such as those on the sides of the mouth and cheeks.
  • JUVÉDERM® Ultra / JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus: JUVÉDERM® Ultra is FDA approved to last up to one year, and JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus is FDA approved to last more than one year. Both products can be used to treat the nasolabial folds, cheeks, lips, under eyes, and more.
  • JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC: JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC is used for the mid face or cheek area and is FDA approved to last up to two years.
  • JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC: JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC is the first and only FDA-approved filler proven to increase lip fullness and soften the appearance of vertical lips lines for up to one year.
  • JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC: JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC is used in the nasolabial folds and smokers lines around the mouth and can last up to two years.

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Recovery and Results

Patients may feel a mild tenderness in the treatment area. Some men may also experience swelling, but these side effects should dissipate within two to three days. Normal activities may be resumed immediately following treatment, as there is no downtime associated with facial fillers. Results can be seen almost immediately, and for continued results, it is recommended that facial fillers are maintained over the years to show off your youthful appearance.


Different fillers are used in different areas of the face and body including the cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, smile lines, lines at
the corners of the mouth, vertical lip lines, hands and earlobes. You can meet with your injector to discuss your treatment
goals and they will recommend a treatment plan with the appropriate filler for your areas of concern.

Most of the fillers we use at our office contain pain reducing lidocaine to help manage pain or discomfort during the injection.
Your injector may also use a topical numbing cream or ice to further minimize discomfort.
How long do results last?

BOTOX® Cosmetic

Facial lines caused by muscle movements, such as squinting or smiling, are known as dynamic wrinkles. This type of wrinkle can be tough to prevent and treat and may make you look sad or angry even when you are in a good mood. Tiny muscles cause the skin to fold when you make a facial expression, and over time, these folds become deeper and more permanent.

BOTOX® Cosmetic can be used to soften facial lines and creases to provide a more youthful and refreshed aesthetic.


  • Non-surgical
  • Little to no downtime
  • Treatment is quick and easy

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look or feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer ,and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for BOTOX® Cosmetic are concerned about fine lines and wrinkles in the upper portion of the face but are not interested in a surgical procedure. Patients should be in good health and willing to continue regular treatments if they wish to maintain their youthful appearance.

How It Works

BOTOX® Cosmetic is made of a diluted form of botulinum toxin A, which blocks nerve signals to the facial muscles. When it is strategically injected, the BOTOX® Cosmetic temporarily immobilizes the muscles, smoothing out wrinkles in the face. BOTOX® Cosmetic can be used in the following areas:

  • Forehead
  • Frown lines
  • Smoker’s lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Neck bands
  • Masseter muscle (for facial slimming)

Ice or numbing cream may be applied to the target sites for your comfort. Injections will then be made to relax the muscles that are causing fine lines and wrinkles. Your treatment can be completed in about 15 minutes.

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Recovery and Results

Immediately after your injections, you may experience some swelling and redness in the treatment site(s). These side effects are usually mild and resolve within a day or two. You may return to most of your regular activities right after your appointment, but we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for about 24 hours.

Most patients begin to see results 24 to 48 hours after their injections. Final results can take 10 to 14 days to develop. You can expect the effects of your BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment to last for approximately three to four months. Maintenance treatments spaced three to four months apart can help preserve your refreshed appearance. Continued use may help extend the lifetime of future treatments.


BOTOX® Cosmetic targets one of the underlying causes of frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines – the repeated muscle
contractions from frowning, squinting, smiling and raising the eyebrows over the years. Your injector will inject these muscles
with BOTOX® Cosmetic to temporarily reduce muscle activity. You will begin to notice a visible smoothing of the frown lines
between your brows, your crow’s feet lines, and your forehead lines in 2-3 days, and you will see the full effect in 14 days.

BOTOX® Cosmetic lasts for an average of 3 months. We recommend BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments 3-4 times a year for most
people. When you see muscle activity returning to the point where you see your skin creasing, it is time for your next BOTOX®
Cosmetic treatment.

If you discontinue BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments, your muscle activity will just return to normal and you will begin to see your
wrinkles returning. Nothing bad will happen, you may just miss your previous smooth appearance!

Not at all! Many men make BOTOX® Cosmetic part of what they do to care for their appearance. The number of men choosing
treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic has risen fast – in the past three years alone, men have received over one million botulinum
toxin treatments.

The actual injection process takes less than 10 minutes. Your injector will take your photos, discuss your treatment goals and
perform a facial analysis to determine the appropriate treatment for you that aligns with your budget. Your initial consultation
and injection appointment will take about 45 minutes. Once you have a treatment plan in place, you will usually be in and out
of our office in about 20 minutes for your routine BOTOX® Cosmetic appointments.

Most patients report that being injected with BOTOX® Cosmetic feels like a pinch. Your injector may use ice to numb the
treatment area. Or, if you are concerned about discomfort, your injector may apply a topical numbing cream before
administering your treatment. If you would like additional numbing time, please notify the specialist when scheduling your

Three percent of patients experienced eyelid drooping in the frown lines studies, one percent of patients experienced eyelid
swelling in the crow’s feet studies, and one percent of patients experienced brow drooping in the forehead lines studies. Other
possible side effects include dry mouth; discomfort or pain at the injection site; tiredness; headache; bruising; double vision;
blurred vision; dry eyes and allergic reactions.

Everyone is different and our injectors have extensive training to help them determine muscle strength and indications for
each individual’s treatment. With that said, a typical forehead treatment is between 12-25 units. A typical treatment between
brows is about 20-25 units. A typical crow’s feet treatment is between 24-30 units (12-15 units per side).

Yes! We love the temporary effect of BOTOX® Cosmetic injected into the muscle around the mouth. It gives a slightly pouty
appearance and often shows more pink of the lip when the patient smiles. A typical lip flip uses about 3-4 units.

Laser Hair Removal With Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ Treatment

Hair in unwanted places can be such an annoyance; however, with the Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment, you can now be free from shaving, plucking, and waxing, and still have silky smooth and beautifully bare skin. Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ is an effective and permanent hair reduction solution that is quick, easy, and predictable.


  • Pain-free treatment
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Effective
  • Permanent results

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look and feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans so that you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer, and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for the Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment are individuals who wish to remove hair from their legs, arms, bikini, back, chest, stomach, face, or neck. These candidates also have realistic expectations of their goals. The ideal candidate also has colored hair, as this laser does not work on gray or white hair.

How It Works

Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ works by using laser energy to gradually heat the hair follicles in the subcutaneous tissues until the follicles can no longer produce new hair. This technology also uses a patented DualChill™ treatment tip to keep the surface of your skin cool and comfortable during the treatment. Additionally, Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ uses a sweeping motion to ensure that the entire target area is tended to without leaving any hairs behind.

Recovery and Results

Laser hair removal does not require any downtime, and because treatment is so quick, patients can be back to their normal routine without interrupting their day. It is important to follow all post-treatment instructions and avoid direct sunlight to the treatment area, picking or scratching the treated skin, and plucking any new hairs that may grow between treatments.

To achieve optimal results, patients may require six to nine treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart, depending on the area. Yearly maintenance is also suggested.


You can expect results from a series of relatively short sessions. A trained laser technician performs each treatment and you are free to return to normal activities immediately after each session, with respect to working out.

There are a number of factors that can affect the success of a series of hair removal treatments, but generally, after each treatment, you will see a noticeable, permanent reduction in the number of hairs that re-grow in the treatment area. Remember that the laser only disables the follicles of the hairs that are in the "growing phase" at the time of the appointment.The follicles that are in the "resting phase" will begin to "wake up" over the course of the next few weeks. Typically, it will require 6-9 treatments to permanently reduce the number of re-growing hairs. Treatments are recommended every 4-6 weeks depending on the area treated. Maintenance sessions may be required, typically once or twice a year.

While pain tolerance is subjective, many patients often describe the sensation as soothing as a “hot stone massage” on most body areas, more sensitive areas can feel slightly more intense.

No. Alma hair removal requires no “down time” or recovery time. You can have a treatment and return to work or school immediately.

Most importantly, before you undergo laser treatment, you must not expose the treated area to the sun or tanning beds. A sunscreen of SPF30, or preferably a total sun block of SPF50, should be applied whenever exposure to the sun is unavoidable. It is also important to shave the area being treated within 24 hours before your appointment. It is recommended to wait at least
4 weeks after having any waxing, threading, tweezing, bleaching treatments or use of a depilatory cream before starting laser hair removal and discontinue completely during the treatment series.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

As men age, testosterone secretion decreases, which can often cause a loss of motivation and drive to partake in normal activities. This is called andropause (male menopause). However, male hormonal imbalances can be easily and safely restored with transdermal testosterone replacement at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa.


  • Improved sexual function
  • Weight-loss program
  • Increased sex drive
  • At-home cream

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look and feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans so that you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer, and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.

Ideal Candidates

Men between the ages of 30 and 45 are the typical candidates for testosterone replacement therapy. Most ideal candidates are those who suffer from decreased sex drive, strength, and energy. Hair loss, emotional changes, high cholesterol, lack of sleep, and deterioration in work performance and physical activity are also symptoms of andropause that should be considered when thinking about undergoing testosterone replacement therapy.

How It Works

Transdermal testosterone cream is the safe, natural alterna­tive to testosterone injections. Until recently, testosterone replacement for men required in-office shots every few weeks. Now, men can treat themselves with testosterone cream at home. It is important to schedule your consultation with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa so that the correct dosage can be ordered for your needs. Applying the cream to the upper arms, shoulders, or abdomen is the most effective way to use the cream and reap its benefits.

Recovery and Results

There is no recovery time associated with testosterone replacement therapy. It takes about two hours for the cream to be absorbed into the body, and the effects of transdermal testosterone cream become noticeable after a few weeks, though the exact timing will depend on circumstances specific to each individual. Schedule your consultation today so that you can start enjoying a better quality of life in all aspects.

Hair Restoration With Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Thinning hair and hair loss is something that many men and women have to face as they age. But it isn’t something that just needs to be dealt with; instead, you can take action and restore your hair with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Undergoing a hair restoration treatment with PRP can increase your hair count, hair thickness, and the growth phase of the hair cycle itself.


  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Looks natural
  • Customized to you

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Why Choose the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look and feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans so that you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer, and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for hair restoration with PRP are men and women who are experiencing the early stages of hair loss. Other candidates may be those with androgenic alopecia. It is recommended that you schedule a consultation with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to find out if hair restoration with PRP is the right treatment for your hair loss needs.

How It Works

Hair restoration with PRP is a concentration of platelets in the blood, which are crucial to wound healing. PRP releases growth factors into the head to expedite the body’s own repair process and stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin. This process is safe and quick and can extract a high concentration of biological nutrient-rich cells to create platelet-rich plasma. PRP hair restoration treatments are typically 45 minutes.

Recovery and Results

There is no risk of an allergic reaction to PRP, and the body should not reject it either, since it is the body’s own blood that is being injected back into the treatment area. The whole process is easy, convenient, and pain-free. Additionally, this procedure does not require any downtime.

Results of your hair restoration with PRP treatment begin to become noticeable after about four to six weeks. Immediately after your treatment, your hair will look healthier and shinier, but the growth will take a few months to become fully noticeable, due to the hair growth cycle.

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