
Reduce the Dimples With VelaShape®

Unsightly dimples and divots in the skin can cause many women to feel self-conscious. No matter how much exercise they put in or what type of food they eat, the cellulite still appears. But VelaShape® can help give the appearance and confidence that women long for to show off their smooth, contoured body.

What Is VelaShape®?

VelaShape® is a cellulite reduction treatment that uses a combination of infrared light and radio frequency. This treatment safely guides heat through the treatment area, which can include the abdomen, arms, knees, and thighs. VelaShape® is safe for all skin types and colors, and because of this, many women are candidates for this treatment. It is important to note that this is not intended to be a weight loss treatment but is used for body contouring and skin tightening.

How Does It Work and What Does It Feel Like?

VelaShape® feels like a warm, deep-tissue massage and uses vacuum technology to manipulate the skin while infrared light and bi-polar radio frequency energies gently heat fat cells and surrounding tissue. This process is painless and has no downtime. Patients can return to regular activities right away.

When Will I Notice My Results?

After undergoing your VelaShape® treatment, you should notice a smaller circumference and reduction in the appearance of cellulite. Most patients see their results after one or two treatments; however, depending on the amount of treatment needed in each area, it could require multiple treatment sessions. Results can last longer if patients follow a balanced diet and exercise plan.

It is recommended that women who desire cellulite treatment schedule a consultation with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa. During this consultation, you will be able to discuss your goals, and you will be examined to find out if you are a true candidate for this treatment.

Call the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa today at 713-807-1000 to set up your consultation or fill out our online contact form.


CoolTone™: Improve Your Muscles Without Exercise

Improving your muscles without exercising sounds like a far-fetched concept, but it’s not. With CoolTone™, you can strengthen, firm, and tighten your muscles from the outside in. This FDA-cleared treatment is a game-changer for both men and women.

The CoolTone™ Process

CoolTone™ uses Active Magnetic Pulse™ (AMP™) patterns to warm up, tone, firm, and strengthen the muscles in the treatment area. This process also provides active recovery. During the treatment, CoolTone™ delivers pulses to the muscle tissue that stimulates muscle contractions in the targeted area. This treatment is not painful, and each session takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

Treatment Areas

Most people want to tone up their abdominal muscles, buttocks, and thighs, and CoolTone™ treats all of those areas. Patients should be in good general health and at or close to their ideal weight. They should also maintain a healthy lifestyle. Consulting with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa will help you find out if you are a candidate for a CoolTone™ treatment.

Sessions & Results

Most patients require a series of four to six treatments to achieve optimal results. Additional, regularly scheduled treatments are suggested to maintain results. Some patients begin to see results after about two weeks when the muscle fibers begin to build, and the results will continue to improve after that. CoolTone™ can also be combined with CoolSculpting® for comprehensive body contouring.

CoolSculpting® is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive fat-freezing technology that eliminates fat cells in nine different areas of the body. By undergoing these treatments, you are not only ridding your body of unwanted fat cells in hard-to-reach areas, but also toning, firming, and strengthening the newly contoured physique that you have been wanting to achieve. CoolTone™ and CoolSculpting® are the perfect combo for a contour that you can be proud to show off.

For more information about CoolTone™, please call the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


5 Things You Need to Know About CoolSculpting®

Before you undergo a CoolSculpting® treatment, there are a few things that you should know. It is always important to research any procedure or treatment before deciding whether or not it’s right for you. Scheduling a consultation is the best thing you can do, but in the meantime, these five questions will be helpful to see if you are on the right track to undergo a CoolSculpting® treatment.

1. What Is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive body contouring technology that eliminates up to 20 to 25 percent of treated fat cells for good in nine different areas of the body. It targets stubborn fat in the areas that bother you the most, like under the chin and jawline areas, thigh, abdomen, flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (banana roll), and the upper arm.

2. Am I a Candidate?

Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting® are in good general health. They are also individuals who have stubborn bulges of fat to eliminate rather than a lot of weight. CoolSculpting® is not a weight-loss procedure, so it is best to schedule a consultation at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to determine whether or not you are a true candidate.

3. How Many Sessions Will I Need?

After you have your consultation, you will be told how many CoolSculpting® sessions you will need to obtain your desired results. However, most patients usually require only one treatment per area.

4. How Long Does It Take to Notice Results?

Results can be seen within four to six weeks. Once the fat cells die off, they are naturally eliminated from the body, and the results become more visible. If necessary, patients can receive more treatments if they want more noticeable results in certain treatment areas.

5. Is CoolSculpting® Permanent?

CoolSculpting® is not permanent; however, the fat that is eliminated is gone for good. Because CoolSculpting® permanently eliminates some of the fat cells from the body, you will never regain those fat cells. Patients still need to maintain a proper diet and exercise to ensure that their results remain because the remaining fat cells can still expand if you gain weight, which causes patients to have a fuller body contour.

For more information about CoolSculpting®, please call the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

Many people suffer from hair in unwanted areas of the body, but sometimes they are a little hesitant to remove it because they are afraid that it will cause pain. Waxing can hurt, plucking hairs can hurt, but what about laser hair removal? With our Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ technique, you can be ready to show off your silky smooth skin without hesitation!

How Does the Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ Treatment Work?

The Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment uses laser energy to heat the hair follicles until they can no longer produce hair. The entire area is targeted, so you won’t have any stragglers that may have been missed in the process. This Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ technology also uses a patented DualChill™ treatment tip to keep the surface of your skin cool and comfortable during the treatment, which allows for an even more pain-free experience.

Although it depends on the individual patient, most patients require about six to nine treatment sessions to ensure that all the hair is removed. These sessions are spaced four to six weeks apart, and yearly maintenance is also recommended to achieve and maintain optimal results.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

The areas that can be treated painlessly include the legs, arms, bikini, back, chest, stomach, face, or neck. It is important to know that patients should have colored hair, as this laser treatment does not perform on gray or white hair. It is, however, safe for all skin types.

Will I Be Out of Work After Treatment?

Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ is a painless, quick, and effective treatment. There is no downtime required with this laser hair removal treatment, and patients can return to work immediately after their treatment session. It is recommended that patients adhere to all post-treatment instructions in order to not interfere with the laser hair removal treatment process and to ensure that full results are attainable.

For more information about the Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ laser hair removal treatment, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000.


Am I a Candidate for a Hyfrecator Treatment?

If you suffer from unwanted lesions on your skin, then a hyfrecator treatment may be what you have been searching for. This treatment uses electrosurgery to rid the body of skin tags, cherry angiomas, and moles, so you can be comfortable in your own skin once again.

What Should I Expect During My Consultation?

During your initial consultation, your health history will be discussed, and we will confirm that your skin lesion is appropriate for removal with the hyfrecator. Depending on the particular patient, an alternative method, such as a laser treatment, may be suggested if we feel that the hyfrecator treatment may not be the treatment best suited for your skin. Our staff will also discuss what you can expect during the treatment as well as any pre-and-post-operative care that may be necessary to make your treatment more effective and improve your healing time.

Am I a Candidate?

Most people who have lesions and blemishes on their skin are candidates for a hyfrecator treatment. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then it is advised that you wait to receive this treatment. Additionally, if you have a pacemaker, you should not undergo a hyfrecator treatment due to the electrical currents.

Patients with the following skin concerns are the best candidates for a hyfrecator treatment:

  • Skin Tags
  • Cherry Angiomas
  • Fibromas
  • Seborrheic Keratosis
  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia

What Happens During a Treatment Session?

Once you are prepped and ready for treatment, the hyfrecator probe will create a small injury with electrical pulses that ends up burning the targeted lesions. The hyfrecator emits two currents, one that is low in power and one that has a high frequency to more easily remove blemishes while sealing off bleeding. This treatment is quick, effective, and minimally invasive.

Schedule your consultation today to find out if you are a candidate for a hyfrecator treatment. You may contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000.


Rejuvenate Your Skin With ActiveFX™ & DeepFX™ Laser Treatments

Are you experiencing skin damage on your face, chest, or neck? Do those wrinkles, lines, and sunspots make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious? Then laser treatments may be the solution for you. At the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, we offer ActiveFX™ and DeepFX™ laser treatments to rejuvenate your skin and leave you feeling confident, refreshed, and ready to take on the world.

What Is ActiveFX™?

Acne scars are smoothed, sun damage is removed, pores are reduced, and skin is tightened, which improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What Is DeepFX™?

The DeepFX™ laser is similar to the ActiveFX™ laser, but it targets deeper scars, lines, and wrinkles. This process regenerates the underlying tissues to produce new, fresh, and vibrant skin.

When Will I See Results?

Results typically appear within one week after undergoing your laser resurfacing treatment. Some results may be more apparent than others, since some patients have experienced more intense scarring or wrinkles. This may require multiple treatment sessions to fully correct. Over time, your results will start to become more apparent as collagen and elastin are regenerated. Your face, chest, and neck will look firmer and more youthful as time progresses.

How Do I Know if This Is Right for Me?

It is important to schedule a consultation with the professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to find out if you are a candidate for this skin rejuvenation treatment. In order to maximize your positive outcome, it is important to discuss any allergies or skin conditions with your physician before undergoing these treatments.

To learn more about ActiveFX™ and DeepFX™ laser treatments, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa online or call us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


Get to Know IPL Photofacial in a Flash!

If you are experiencing mild sun damage, brown spots, freckles, or irregular pigmentation on your face, neck, or chest, then the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa can help with IPL photofacial. There are many things to know about IPL photofacial before undergoing your rejuvenation treatment, and here’s some important information to get you started.

How Does IPL Work?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy uses a bright, intense light to heat up the deeper layer of the skin; this process stimulates the production of collagen. The heat destroys pigment cells, such as melanin, to help remedy uneven pigmentation, and collagen is regenerated to give the skin more structure so that it is full and younger looking. Along with sun damage, wrinkles, and freckles, photofacials can address broken capillaries, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and spider veins to give you a clearer complexion and a more even skin tone.

How Long Does It Take To Recover and What Are the Side Effects?

You should expect to resume normal activities after your IPL treatment, as it does not require any downtime. There may be some side effects associated with this rejuvenating treatment, including:

  • Redness
  • Brown spots
  • Crusting/Flaking
  • Bruising

By scheduling a personalized consultation with the professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, you will be able to discuss your concerns about treatment and your goals to find out if you are a candidate for IPL photofacial treatment as well as how quickly you should expect to see results.

How Do I Prepare for an IPL Photofacial Treatment?

Being prepared for your IPL treatment will make the whole process go smoothly. It is recommended that you moisturize your skin thoroughly, stop smoking, refrain from certain medications and/or topical creams, and, of course, hydrate. You will receive pretreatment instructions at your appointment once you decide that IPL photofacial is the skin rejuvenation treatment for you.

For more information about IPL photofacial treatments, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


What Are My Laser Treatment Options?

There are many different laser procedures that can be used to remove unwanted blemishes and other marks on your skin, and it can even tighten the skin on your body. At the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, we offer a variety of lasers to target things like acne, skin tightening, skin imperfections, and lines and wrinkles so that you can feel confident in your appearance.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Clear, smooth skin can sometimes be near impossible to achieve, but with IPL, you are much closer to attaining this goal. Intense pulsed light (IPL) uses a bright light to rid the skin of facial imperfections by heating up the deeper layers of skin and stimulating new collagen. This laser treatment can be performed on almost any part of the body, and little to no downtime is involved with each session. Some of the imperfections relieved by IPL include acne scarring, brown spots, sun damage, uneven skin tone, and wrinkles.


Radiofrequency technology can be performed on the face, neck, decollete, upper arms, abdomen, and knees to tighten the skin. This no-downtime treatment targets troublesome areas to provide optimal skin tightening. It is important to schedule a personal consultation with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to determine what areas of the body would work best for radiofrequency treatment. Some areas respond better to certain treatments than others, so a consultation to discuss your goals is imperative.


Skin rejuvenation with electrosurgery sends electrical impulses into the body that are high in frequency but low in power. This treatment typically seals off bleeding to reduce the appearance of skin tags, cherry angiomas, fibromas, seborrheic keratosis, and sebaceous hyperplasia. Electrosurgery offers long-lasting results with minimal downtime and scarring. It is safe, fast, and easy to eliminate those marks that may cause discomfort or insecurities.

To find out more about laser treatment options, contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa today to schedule your consultation. Fill out our online contact form or call us at 713-807-1000


Remove Unwanted Hair With Laser Treatments

Do you suffer from excessive amounts of hair on various parts of your body? Or maybe you just have a little bit of hair in certain areas, but you’d rather not have it there at all. With laser hair removal services at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, we will be able to help you eliminate your unwanted hair.

How Does It Work?

The Pain Free-Hair Free™ laser treatment works by using laser energy to heat up the hair follicles until they can no longer produce hair. This treatment can be performed on nearly any part of the body; however, the most popular treatment areas include the arms, back, bikini, chest, face, legs, neck, and stomach. Pain Free-Hair Free™ works on all skin types and tones, including tanned skin and can be performed on both men and women.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

It is recommended that you schedule a consultation with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to discuss your expectations and goals. During this appointment, you will go over the number of treatments needed to meet your hair removal goal. The number of treatment sessions for most body parts ranges between six and nine treatment sessions, spaced one month apart.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

Pain Free-Hair Free™ laser treatment does not hurt. It actually feels relaxing, like you are enjoying a hot stone massage. Treatment time is short, so you will not need to schedule a long time away from work; in fact, many patients come on their lunch break to get their laser hair removal treatment. Additionally, there is no downtime related to any Pain Free-Hair Free™ treatments, so you will not experience lingering pain afterward.

For more information about laser hair removal treatments, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa today to schedule your consultation. Fill out our online contact form or call us at 713-807-1000


What Should I Consider Before My Restylane® Injections?

Many factors go into deciding which dermal filler is best for your needs. While many of them are similar, Restylane® may be the filler for you, as it is used to treat lines and wrinkles while also adding volume and fullness to create a more youthful aesthetic. There are other things to consider before undergoing your Restylane® treatment, like finding out if it’s safe, choosing a provider, and even confirming that you are a candidate for the treatment.

Is Restylane® Safe?

Restylane® uses hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in the body, so it is safe to use while also producing natural-looking results.

How to Choose a Provider?

It is important that you research the doctors you would like to consider for your injectable treatment. View their website, their before and after photos, and even schedule a consultation with them to see if you are a good fit and if everything seems to be what you want in your provider. Remember, this is your body, and you need to like and be proud of your Restylane® results.

Why Choose the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa?

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa was founded in 1997 in Houston, Texas, and is a fully integrated medical spa. Dr. Richard LeConey has developed comprehensive personal anti-aging, wellness, hormone, and skincare programs for both men and women.

Our motto is: “Feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel.”

We believe that there is simply no reason for you to look and feel your age. We are here to help create personalized treatment plans so you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. LeConey is board-certified in emergency medicine, is a certified Allergan trainer, and trains physicians and nurses in the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and KYBELLA®.

Am I a Candidate for Restylane®?

Candidates for Restylane® should be in good health and have realistic expectations of results. Restylane® products should NOT be used if you:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are on blood thinning or clotting medication
  • Have a bleeding disorder
  • Have had an allergic reaction to any other injectable treatments

For more information about Restylane® or other injectable treatments, please contact us online or call us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.