
The Ever-So-Popular HydraFacial®

Everyone knows about the power of cosmetic facial treatments. These treatments cleanse and smooth the skin by exfoliating and clearing dirt and dead skin from your face. However, the revolutionary HydraFacial® treatment takes facials to a new level. Instead of merely cleaning your skin, the HydraFacial® treatment employs three rejuvenating effects all in one!

Everyone should be able to have a clear complexion and a luminous glow. HydraFacial® is one of the most asked about and requested skin care treatments on the market right now, but what’s the fuss? Let’s dive in and find out what people love about this treatment and how it works! 

Why Would I Need A Facial?

Your skin really does take a beating over time. Between the natural aging process, environmental factors, dirt, oil, and debris, our skin often needs to be rejuvenated. Facials in general pamper your skin by clearing all that gunk out of the pores, and they give you a chance to rest, relax, refresh, and rejuvenate yourself. So often we take care of other parts of our bodies or even other people, but the face is the first thing people notice when looking at someone. Don’t you want it to look bright, clear, and extra beautiful?! Let the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa help treat you and your face right!.

How Does HydraFacial® Work?

A HydraFacial® treatment involves three simple steps that will rejuvenate the look and feel of your skin.

  • Step 1: The patented wand will be moved against the skin in the treatment area. This wand has an exfoliating tip that uses a fluid vortex to cleanse the skin.
  • Step 2: The dead skin cells that were displaced in the first step are vacuumed off the skin with an attachment to the HydraFacial® wand all while moisturizing the treated skin at the same time.
  • Step 3: A moisturizing serum containing antioxidants is applied to the treated skin with a separate attachment to the HydraFacial® wand, giving you lasting improvement and skin protection.

At the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, we offer a few different boosters that can also be added to your HydraFacial® treatment. Discussing these options with your skin specialist will help to determine which booster may be ideal for your skin and your goals.

Why Should I Choose HydraFacial®?

HydraFacial® is the perfect on-the-go facial treatment for anyone! It was created with the busy mom or working man or woman in mind so that they could relax and refresh but still go back to their normal life right after. This treatment can be completed in as little as 30 minutes, and makeup can be applied immediately following the treatment. The HydraFacial® treatment does not irritate the skin and it is hydrating, so it can be performed before any event for an instant and noticeable glow! 

What are you waiting for? Schedule your consultation with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa today!


For more information about HydraFacial® at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, please call 713-807-1000or contact us online today! 


Love Your Luscious Lips!

Lip envy is real. Do you ever look at someone and think, “Wow! Their lips are so plump, full, and smooth.” Well, that can be you, too. You can be the envy of others, and the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa can help! So many men and women have thin lips that keep getting thinner as we age. Volume loss can sometimes cause feelings of self-consciousness, and lip liner and gloss can only go so far.

Injectable fillers can help revive your lips and plump them up so that they are the luscious lips you’ve been longing to achieve. Dermal fillers also help with the fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth that may appear from repetitive movements.

Lip Fillers That We Offer

At the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, we offer three different lip filler options: JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC, JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA™ XC, and Restylane®. Most fillers consist of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is something that naturally occurs in your body. This HA substance retains moisture and provides that soft, supple feeling and look.

  • JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC: JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC adds volume and improves symmetry.
  • JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC: JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC adds volume to the lips; however, since it is a thinner formula, you will notice more subtle results.
  • Restylane®: Restylane® augments the lips, but there are many different formulations used

Scheduling a consultation with the professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa will give you both the opportunity to determine which injectable filler is the best option for you, your lips, and your desired outcome. 

What About My Results?

The great thing about these hyaluronic acid fillers is that the results can last months at a time, and they are very natural looking, so you won’t have to worry about looking fake with huge, puffy lips. Lip fillers dissipate through the body’s metabolic process to produce even, smooth results while still enhancing the appearance of your lips. 

In order to maintain your new luscious lip appearance, you will need to keep up with your injectable filler treatments. Scheduling maintenance appointments every couple of months will be your best bet to enjoying your ravishing and desirable pout.  

What If I Don’t Like the New Look?

Fillers that are formulated with hyaluronic acid, like JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC, JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA™ XC, and Restylane®, can be reversed with an enzyme called hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase is injected into the area that was treated, and it dissolves the particles of hyaluronic acid. So whether you are having a strange adverse reaction or you just don’t like the look of your lips, you can always have the hyaluronic acid filler reversed. 

Scheduling a consultation with the professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa will give you both the opportunity to determine which injectable filler is the best option for you, your lips, and your desired outcome. 

For more information about lip fillers at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, please call 713-807-1000or contact us online today!


The Things You Didn’t Know About KYBELLA®

KYBELLA® is an injectable treatment designed to remove fat under the chin. KYBELLA® is a formulation of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance found in the body and helps to break down unwanted fat in the targeted areas. So, if you have been taking selfies or doing more video calls and notice a double chin, or submental fullness, that you want to eliminate, then KYBELLA® can help. But here are a few things that you may not know about KYBELLA®.

It Really Works!

You’ve probably heard a lot of reviews about KYBELLA®, just like any other type of service or product—the good, the bad, and the ugly! Well, KYBELLA® actually works and provides patients with noticeable results. This safe and effective injectable treatment is quick and only lasts about 20 minutes. Patients will see visible results in about four to six weeks after the treatment session. Continuing a healthy lifestyle allows you to enjoy your newly contoured chin and facial aesthetic for a long time.

The Side Effects

While this treatment is FDA approved and completely safe, it does come with side effects just like any typical non-invasive or surgical procedure would. Some patients react differently than others, so being in constant communication with your provider is essential in the recovery process. Some patients may experience temporary swelling, numbness, bruising, or redness. These effects will subside shortly after.

Take the Time to Recover

Recover, recover, recover. Sometimes we just need to take the time to sit down and relax. So do it! After 24 hours, you will begin to feel more of the side effects of KYBELLA®. Icing the treatment area and pain medications can help to alleviate most of the discomfort. Patients are able to return to normal activities immediately after treatment, but listen to your body to see if that’s something you can do. Take the extra downtime if you need it!

For more information about KYBELLA® or other injectable treatments, please contact us online or call us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


What Do I Need to Know Before My QWO® Treatment?

One of the most embarrassing cosmetic issues that many women struggle with is the presence of cellulite on their body. Though physically harmless, cellulite, which is sometimes referred to as “cottage cheese” skin, causes the skin, often on the buttocks, to dimple. While you can try to cover up the skin on your backside, this can keep you from enjoying life, especially if you want to wear a bikini bathing suit or sexy lingerie. So, instead of trying to hide your skin blemishes and miss out on life, why not correct the problem? With QWO® cellulite treatments, you can get the smooth skin and improved confidence in your apperance that you’ve been looking for! But before you make any decisions, here’s some information to let you know more about this revolutionary treatment…

What Does QWO® Do?

QWO® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that treats moderate to severe cellulite on women’s buttocks. This treatment is made up of enzymes called collagenase, which helps to correct the presence of cellulite on skin by redistributing the fat cells in the target area while also stimulating the production of collagen in the skin. It is this promotion of collagen production that helps to ensure quality and lasting effects from the treatment. While your QWO® results will only last about one year (though some results have been known to last longer, especially with help from maintaining a healthy lifestyle) collagen is responsible for the strength, health, and elasticity in our skin. So, with the new collagen produced because of the QWO® injectable, your body is healing itself and maintaining that healthy appearance. After your QWO® treatment, you will be proud of your smoother skin, with a much reduced presence of cellulite.

What Should I Expect From My QWO® Treatment?

To receive optimal results, you will receive three QWO® treatments, spaced three weeks apart. Many patients are (justifiably) worried about pain during cosmetic treatments, but with QWO®, any pain and discomfort is kept to a minimum. If you choose, a skin-numbing ointment can be applied to the treatment area to ensure that you don’t feel any pain; however, many patients have their QWO® treatments performed without the ointment.

Your QWO® treatment will take less than 20 minutes to perform, which means that you can literally fix your cellulite on your lunch break! For your treatment, you will lie on your stomach while your plastic surgeon marks your treatment areas and then, using a syringe, injects the QWO® solution into the subcutaenous fat on your buttocks. Usually, six to 12 dimples per buttock are treated. Once the injections are finished, you’re done. And while you will have some bruising in the area, and you may feel some tenderness in the injection sites, you will not experience any downtime (and you won’t have to worry about any scarring)!

After your QWO® results settle in, you will find yourself feeling comfortable and confident in your body. You won’t be able to wait to show off your smooth and attractive backside!

For more information about QWO® cellulite treatments, please contact us online or call us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


When to Choose JUVÉDERM® Over a Facelift

With so many cosmetic procedures and treatments available, choosing the right option can seem overwhelming. This is especially true when you are trying to correct issues on the face. Two of the most common procedures available for the face are dermal fillers and facelift surgery. While both of these options can give you stunning results, returning your face to a smoother, more youthful appearance, it is important to know what each procedure can do and why dermal fillers can often be the smarter choice for your facial contouring needs.

What Is a Dermal Filler?

Dermal fillers are minimally invasive cosmetic treatments that are largely made up of hyaluronic acid (HA). One of the leading names in dermal fillers is JUVÉDERM®. This dermal filler can be used to treat skin blemishes in various areas of your body, including the neck and face.
For a JUVÉDERM® treatment, the professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa will inject the solution into the strategically selected treatment areas of the face. The hyaluronic acid helps to absorb water, allowing skin imperfections (such as wrinkles, fine lines, and even scars) to be erased, leaving you with smooth, supple skin. After your JUVÉDERM® treatment, you’ll be able to smile at your reflection, knowing that you are putting your best face forward.

Why Can JUVÉDERM® Be a Preferred Treatment to Facelift Surgery?

Let’s face it, the idea of surgery can be scary, and plastic surgery is no different. A facelift requires an extensive amount of work, both before and after the procedure. Not only do you have to worry about anesthesia, incisions, sutures, and scars, but you also need to have weeks of downtime to recover. If the prospect of dealing with a surgical procedure worries you, then JUVÉDERM® may be the answer you are looking for. While dermal fillers like JUVÉDERM® are invasive, it is only an injection that you’ll experience rather than a full surgical incision.

After your procedure, whether it be dermal fillers or facelift surgery, you will have a rejuvenated facial appearance that will turn heads for all the right reasons. But before you get to that point, it is important that you ask yourself what you want to put your body and face through to accomplish those results. If you are looking for facial contouring without the hassles of surgery, then let JUVÉDERM® work its magic!

For more information about the JUVÉDERM® Collection of Fillers offered at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, please contact us online or call us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


When Should I Start Getting BOTOX® Cosmetic?

Preventative BOTOX® Cosmetic. Have you heard of it? If not, then you should read this! Preventative BOTOX® Cosmetic is the latest cosmetic trend and allows you to get a jump start on the signs of aging so that you can stop it before it starts or gets worse.

You know when your parents used to say, “Don’t make that face, or it’ll stay that way.” Well, it’s going to happen, not when you’re five, but when you’re older. Constant muscle movements like squinting, laughing, and frowning eventually take a toll on your face, and these lines begin to show more often, even becoming permanent. But preventative BOTOX® Cosmetic can help you avoid those lines and facial blemishes before they become something to worry about.

Am I Old Enough?

BOTOX® Cosmetic is FDA approved for patients 18 years and older. Most professionals believe that patients who are in their mid to late 20s and early 30s are at a good age for preventative treatment sessions. Before that time, it is doubtful that you’d have enough lines and wrinkles to really worry about. However, focusing on proper skincare routines and wearing sunscreen is very important for skin health and aesthetics in your earlier years.

What Should I Expect With Preventative BOTOX® Cosmetic?

First, you will have a consultation to go over your cosmetic goals and expectations. During the appointment, you will be able to discuss any concerns and ask any questions you may have. The professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa will explain that BOTOX® Cosmetic is a neuromodulator that uses a diluted form of botulinum toxin A to block the nerve signals that are sent to the facial muscles. This temporarily immobilizes the muscles in the treated area, giving patients a smooth aesthetic while making them appear younger.

Let’s Do This!

Preventative treatments can limit the evolution of future wrinkles as well as reduce any treatments that may be required in the future. Additionally, looking and feeling your best is a major help to your self-esteem and confidence. If you are interested in BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments for yourself, then schedule a consultation with us. Your results will last a few months, and if you like the results and the way they make you feel, then maintenance treatments can be scheduled to keep your natural-looking facial aesthetic looking great year-round!

For more information about BOTOX® Cosmetic offered at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, please contact us online or call us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


Why Should I Undergo a Skin Tightening Treatment?

Aging can really take a toll on our bodies over time, but there are surgeries and treatments that can make our facial aesthetic look younger. Injectables and dermal fillers and facelift and neck lift surgeries are two opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to facial enhancement; there’s got to be something in the middle, and there is. Forma™. Skin tightening with Forma™ can help you look years younger.

What Is Forma™?

Forma™ is the only auto-adjusting, non-invasive, thermal radio frequency skin tightening treatment on the market. The Forma™ device uses radio frequency technology to target the deep layers of the skin. The subdermal heating stimulates collagen and improves the skin’s elasticity, which results in tightened skin, decreased wrinkles, and a younger-looking aesthetic.
Forma™ can be performed on both men and women of all skin types. This treatment is designed to enhance the thighs, upper arms, abdomen, knees, elbows, and neck for complete skin tightening.

The Benefits & Advantages of Forma™

Besides just tightening the skin, Forma™ skin tightening can:

  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
  • Provides a lifted, firmer appearance
  • Improves skin tone by reducing age spots and dark spots
  • Increases collagen to give your skin a radiant, youthful glow

Forma™ skin tightening:

  • Is non-invasive and non-surgical
  • Is quick and painless
  • Provides noticeable results after your first treatment
  • Produces long-lasting results

Will I Actually Have Tighter Skin?

The short answer is yes. However, everyone has different skin concerns. If you have minimal sagging in only a few areas, then you may only need to undergo one or two Forma™ treatment sessions. But, if you have more extensive sagging and skin damage, then you may have to schedule a couple more treatments to achieve the results you truly desire.

Scheduling a consultation with our professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa will give you the opportunity to discuss your goals and desires while they examine your skin thoroughly. It is there that our doctors will determine if you are a candidate for Forma™ skin tightening.

Call the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa today at 713-807-1000 to set up your consultation or fill out our online contact form.


Why Do I Have Cellulite & Can VelaShape® Help?

If you are experiencing dimples and divots in your skin, but you can’t get rid of them or even know why they’re there, then you are in the right place. Cellulite is common on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and belly, and those dimples are actually fat deposits underneath the skin. VelaShape® can help eliminate the appearance of cellulite, leaving you with a smoother body contour.

Gender & Genetics

Your gender matters when it comes to cellulite. Women develop more fat in the buttocks and thighs, which leads to cellulite. Because of this, women often experience cellulite more than men. Additionally, genetics plays a significant role in whether or not you will get cellulite too. Everyone’s bodies are different, and some are more prone to cellulite than others.

Age & Weight

The skin loses its elasticity as we age, which leads to the development of cellulite in older women. That doesn’t mean that only older women will get cellulite. Cellulite can come at any age and any stage of life. Weight gain can also contribute to the development of cellulite. For most, not even the most strenuous workouts or healthy diets will help.

Yes! VelaShape® Can Help!

Should we say that again?! Yes! VelaShape® can help with the appearance of cellulite. This process uses a combination of infrared light and radio frequency to heat the treatment area. The abdomen, arms, knees, and thighs can be treated with VelaShape®.
Some patients may require more than one treatment to achieve their desired results. However, a personal consultation can help determine if you are a candidate for VelaShape®. During this consultation, you will be able to discuss your goals and find out how many sessions you may need to reach those goals.

VelaShape® patients will notice decreased cellulite and improved skin tone and texture as collagen production increases. Results will last longer if a balanced diet and exercise routine is followed.

Call the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa today at 713-807-1000 to set up your consultation or fill out our online contact form.


How Does CoolTone™ Differ From CoolSculpting® Elite?

We all have extra layers of fluff that we want to get rid of. The good news is that there are many cosmetic procedures available, from surgical to non-surgical. The negative is that there are so many to choose from that it can often feel overwhelming. Two of the most trusted and popular non-invasive treatments are CoolSculpting® Elite and CoolTone™. Though these treatments both come from the CoolSculpting® brand, they are different procedures. Each offers dynamic results that will leave you feeling confident in the way you look. But what is the difference?

Get Toned With CoolTone™

Do you ever feel like you are working out constantly, but your body isn’t as firm and toned as you would like? That’s where CoolTone™ comes in. CoolTone™ uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation to create contractions in the treated area. This process goes on for about 30 minutes in the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs to create a more toned aesthetic. CoolTone™ is non-surgical, and it does not require any downtime. Some patients report that they feel like they just completed an intense workout. Your results should start to become visible after about two weeks because the muscles need time to rebuild. Multiple treatment sessions and a healthy lifestyle are recommended for the best results.

Lose Fat With CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting® Elite is a non-surgical, fat-reduction treatment that freezes the fat in hard-to-reach areas of the body for ultimate body contouring. This cooling technology suctions portions of the body and freezes the fat cells without damaging any other areas. Once the frozen fat cells are dead, they are naturally eliminated by the body a few months later, revealing a slimmer physique. CoolSculpting® Elite can treat nine different areas, including under the chin and jawline areas, thighs, abdomen, flanks, bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and the upper arms.

Both of these body-sculpting treatments can be performed on men and women. Find out if you are a candidate by scheduling your consultation with the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa professionals to discuss your goals and determine which treatment might be the best for you at this time.

For more information about CoolTone™, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.


Body-Contouring Services at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa

At the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa, we offer many different body contouring options designed to treat all of your needs. Whether you are looking for contouring and tightening in your abdomen, thighs, or neck, we can help guide you in the direction you need to go. Cooling or Magnetic Muscle Stimulation technology like CoolSculpting® Elite and CoolTone™, or radio frequency treatments, like VelaShape® and Forma™, the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa has it all!

CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting® Elite is a non-surgical, no downtime treatment that freezes your stubborn fat for good. There are seven different applicators to choose from for customized treatments, and the device uses controlled cooling to freeze the predetermined area of fat cells without damaging any other skin around the treatment area. Once these frozen fat cells die off, they are naturally eliminated from the body, creating a more contoured physique.


CoolTone™ induces involuntary muscle contractions to build and sculpt a stronger, more toned appearance. This treatment works on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, and it can be performed on both men and women. There is no downtime associated with CoolTone™; however, you may feel a little sore like you just completed an intense workout.


This treatment does the opposite of CoolSculpting® Elite and uses infrared light and radio frequency to heat the fat cells as well as the tissues around the treatment area to reduce the appearance of cellulite. VelaShape® can be used on the abdomen, knees, thighs, and arms for cellulite treatment, and it is said to feel like a warm deep tissue massage.

Skin Tightening With Forma™

Getting older can take a toll on our bodies, and sagging skin might be one of the most annoying parts of aging. Skin tightening with Forma™ can help! This treatment uses radio frequency technology to contract the skin in the deep layers of the tissue. The heat produces more collagen, and elasticity is improved, which results in tightened skin in the treatment area. Forma™ is a great option for both men and women with any skin type.

It is highly recommended that you schedule a body-contouring consultation to determine which treatment may be the best for you and your goals. By discussing your desires, you and your doctor will be on the same page and ready to achieve the body contour of your dreams.

For more information about body-contouring services, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa by filling out our online contact form or calling us at 713-807-1000 to schedule your consultation.